Hey, I'm Ibraj khan

I'm a design-minded, detail oriented software engineer passionate about combining beautiful code with beautiful design.


An enthusiastic engineering fresher who is a self-starter and capable to use technical skills for the betterment of the organization. A Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering has enhanced my proficiency in developing web applications and looking forward to work in a competitive environment that enhances overall learning.

I love learning new and better ways to create seamless user experiences with clean, efficient, and scalable code. I strive to create software that not only functions efficiently under the hood, but also provides intuitive, pixel-perfect user experiences. At the end of the day, my primary goal is to create something beautiful with people that bring out the best in me.

When I'm not in front of a computer screen, I'm probably playing cricket, traveling, petting dogs, or learning a new song.

Some of My Projects

Meme Meme Meme

Amazon Clone

A Full Stack Amazon-clone app. I try to keep this app similar to the original one. This app is heavily built on React and Firebase. The app includes Firebase Cloud Function for the backend, Firebase Authentication to Authenticate user login and logout. Stripe Functionality for Payment Process and Firestore a Real-time DataBase for adding users and their order into the DataBase.

Meme Meme Meme

Weather App

This is a weather app. It Automatically detects your current location and shows the weather report of your city. Here I use openweathermap.org API to get a weather report and for detecting the current location I use Geolocation API. I also used opencagedata API to convert Geolocation latitude and longitude to a current city that you are in.

Meme Meme Meme


A meme generator app where you can create your meme by adding some top text some bottom text hit the button and it will randomly choose a meme image from an API that contains meme images. This app is built on React.js

Calculator Calculator Calculator


A simple calculator where you can perform your basic mathematical operations.

todo todo todo

Todo App

A Todo list app where you can add your list of works and check if it's done or not. This one is my first javascript app. It helped me a lot in understanding of EventListener and related stuff.

Js-doc Js-doc Js-doc


This is a javascript documentation page. It contains information about javascript and how it is different from java. Here I try to cover some of the important topics of javascript.

Dr.Norman Brolaug Norman norman-mob


This is one of the projects which I build as a part of my freeCodeCamp assessments. Here you can see the timeline of Dr Norman Borlaug's. A man who is known for the green revolution.

my-port my-port my-port

Portfolio Version 1

This is my first portfolio website. It is heavily built on Bootstrap.

View More Projects



Responsive Web Design

Developer Certification, representing approximately 300 hours of coursework.

click here

JavaScript Algo. & DS

Developer Certification, representing approximately 300 hours of coursework.

click here

View My Resume

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